Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Graphic Poster Design Challenge

The art style I’m planning on following for this project is of the German style of the Bauhaus. Bauhaus is named after the crafts and fine arts school that was operating in Germany from 1919-1933. Over the school’s life time it functioned in 3 different cities. Firstly started in the year 1919 by Walter Gropius in Weimar. In 1925, the school was moved to Dessau, and finally moved to the German capital of Berlin in 1932. Approximately a year later the school was shut down by the Nazi regime. However, the style created by the school would be quite popular for years to come. The art produced from the school that featured very angular stylistic architecture. The poster I will be doing will feature this kind of blocky style as well as a black, red, and tan color palette.


1. a) The problem I will be trying to solve is advertising of the Crescent Coffee House event. The posters currently put up around the school don’t feature the style that the coffee house music event brings to the table. The message I will portray is the basic information relating to the evening, and the art of the poster itself will feature the stylish and semi-casual dress code of the night. The audience for the most part will be Crescent students, parents, faculty, and anyone else who is a small part of the Crescent community. The placement might be over a bulletin board in the lower/upper logia.

b) stylish, jazz, blues, coffee, house, Bauhaus, angular, warm-colored, straight-edged, conservative, relaxed, lounge, classy, structured, organized, solid-colored, angular, lower-case, smooth text, contrast, dark, outline

c) I found a solid set of images that I could potentially use in later images

Thumbnail Sketch 1
This one doesn't seem to be uploading, however it's simply a precursor to what my final design was below

Thumbnail Sketch 2

Thumbnail Sketch 3

Final Poster Design

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